Thursday, September 17, 2015

Our group of adventurers meet an inferno of fire....

Having been cursed by a roving band of cyclops, our adventuring party set out to find "the well of the moon". It is rumored that this artifact has the power to transport by way of moonbeams an individual to the moon. Our cursed dwarf and paladin of the cloth must bring back a cup of water or they will never leave the Great Pass. After multiple encounters they arrive at a cavern designed to funnel the party into a narrow passage.  Surprise! A massive red dragon greets the party with a bout of hot flame. The wizard succumbed to the embrace of the fiery inferno, while the charred thief rattled on death's door and the others licking their wounds.  The dwarf and cleric decide to attack while the others attended to the dying and wounded. Against all odds the dwarf rolls a natural twenty followed by 0-00 on the critical hit chart and fell the  mighty dragon with a single blow. The ranger receives a premonition by the mysterious benefactor urging her to use a magic cloak to bring the charcoal wizard back to the living. With cup of water in hand they plan to return to the wretched cyclops to end the curse. It continues....

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